Welcome to Cyber Secure In The City

We deliver real time cyber security training to our clients, mitigating data breaches and phishing attacks.
What We Do

Comprehensive Cyber Security Training for Individuals and Organisations

Understanding how common place data and security breaches are in the workplace, we offer live training sessions to our clients. We raise awareness of current cyber threats and equip attendees with the tools to combat them, keeping their data and organisation safe.

Our live and engaging training sessions are 90 minutes long, and can be delivered online or in-person individually tailored to the needs of our clients. 

Why Choose Us

Enhance Your Cyber Security Today

Research has shown that 88% of data breaches are caused by human error. Investing in cyber security training encourages employees to not only comply with their organisation’s security policies, but also enables them to work more efficiently whilst being cyber aware, mitigating security breaches, financial losses and reputational damage.




Customer Focused

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